9. D. S. Cardona, K. B. Debs, N. N. Nassar, G. Vitale, E. N. V. M. Carrilho, P. S. Haddad, D. Semensatto, G. Labuto. A comparison study of two gravimetric methods for oil spills clean up by magnetic nanomaterials: A methodological discussion. The 12th Brazilian Meeting on Adsorption (EBA), Gramado-RS, Brazil, 23–25 April, 2018.
8. K. B. Debs, G. Vitale, N. N. Nassar, G. Labuto. Removal of dye from wastewater by titanomagnetite nanoparticles loaded yeast biomass. The 12th Brazilian Meeting on Adsorption (EBA), Gramado-RS, Brazil, 23–25 April, 2018.
7. Nassar, N., N. Marie 2013, Textile wastewater treatment by Fe2O3 nanoparticles. The 2nd Arab Innovation Network Annual Conference, The Dead sea, Jordan, December 6-7, 2013.
6. J. Berezinski, F. López-Linares, N.N. Nassar, L. Carbognani Ortega and P. Pereira-Almao, Microwave-Assisted Procedure for Metal Extraction in Heavy Hydrocarbon Feedstocks and Emulsions. Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Energy Fuels 2012, 57 (2)
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3. Nassar, N., Al-Jabari, M., Husein, M. 2008. Removal of asphaltenes from heavy oil by nickel nano and micro particle adsorbents, NANA, Crete, Greece, September 2008, ACTA Press, Calgary, AB (Track 615-808).
2. Al-Jabari, M., Nassar, N., Husein, M. 2007. Separation of asphaltenes from heavy oil model-solutions by adsorption on colloidal magnetite nanoparticles, in: proceeding of the International Congress of Chemistry & Environment, ICCE 2007, Kuwait, Kuwait, November 2007 (CD-Proceedings).
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